At we have long advocated that the mission of youth sports programs should be positive youth development. The first and foremost reason for this position is that young people need and deserve positive opportunities for growth and development. A supplemental reason is that families, communities, and taxpayers invest substantial resources in youth sports programs. Society should receive something clear and valuable in return for this investment.
A new book by Mark Hyman of George Washington University provides important context to the discussion about the value of youth sports programs. In The Most Expensive Game in Town, Mr. Hyman defines youth sports as a $5 billion a year industry, and this may be conservative. He brings particular focus to the cost born by parents in terms of both money and time, and explores the reasons why so many of us are willing to make extraordinary investments in sports.
This is a challenging book because it forces us to ask a simple but profound question about our youth sports programs: "Is it worth it?" That question should keep us honest about what we are doing in our community sports programs, club sports programs, and school sports programs. It should also challenge us to identify our weaknesses and go to work on correcting them - just as we ask our athletes to do in their chosen sports. We highly recommend this book to every parent, coach, and administrator involved in youth sports.
Click here for more information about The Most Expensive Game in Town.